20+ Yrs – Behavior Management
20+ Yrs – Psychological Services
17 Yrs – Special Education Administrator
15+ Yrs – Trauma Informed Services
Comprehensive Psychological Services
Kellie has a passion for serving young people (ages 5 years to 22 years) from diverse cultural backgrounds and ability levels and their parents. She is a practicing Licensed Psychologist and a Licensed Specialist in School Psychology (LSSP) who is focused on child, adolescent, and young adult social, emotional, behavioral, and educational concerns/challenges.
Kellie’s education and training are extensive. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Texas A&M University at College Station and her Masters of Education and Doctorate of School Psychology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is a culturally competent practitioner trained in evidence-based counseling frameworks, including cognitive-behavioral and solution-focused, as well as trauma-informed practices. During her graduate training, she practiced in a variety of settings to develop deep, invaluable experience in providing mental health services to young people, including diagnosing and counseling in hospitals, clinics/centers, and schools. In school districts, Kellie is a respected servant leader, supervising school psychology teams, doctoral and masters level school psychology interns, special education counseling teams, central autism teams, and behavior specialist teams as well as overseeing districtwide emotional-behavior programming and addressing equity and diversity challenges by leading district training as well as a large department task force.
Kellie specializes in conditions with childhood and adolescence onset.
Areas of Expertise:
Additionally, Life Rules Mental Wellness offers a wide range of services, including crisis intervention for families and schools that can include threat assessments, a range of evaluations and assessments, counseling, school consultation, special education and section 504 guidance/advocacy, skills-based instruction, and coaching, and parenting training/support. Given Kellie’s many years of providing school-based services in large suburban and urban districts, she provides schoolwide, staff, and private sector organization training in trauma-informed practices, positive behavior intervention supports, bias (implicit/explicit) workshops, and equity-diversity-inclusion practices.
Virtual and/or in person appointments are available at Life Rules Mental Wellness Monday through Thursday between 10:00 AM and 8:00 PM, and Saturdays between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM.
Read on to learn about Kellie Curreri, PhD in Dallas-Fort Worth.
Kellie has a passion for serving young people ages 5 to 22 years old from diverse cultural backgrounds and ability level and their parents. She is a practicing Licensed Psychologist and a Licensed Specialist in School Psychology (LSSP) who is focus on child, adolescent, social, emotional, behavioral, and educational concerns/challenges.
Kellie’s education and training is extensive. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Texas A&M University at College Station and her Masters of Education and Doctorate of School Psychology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is a culturally competent practitioner trained in evidence based counseling frameworks, including cognitive-behavioral and solution-focused, as well as trauma informed practices. During her graduate training, she practiced in a variety of settings to develop deep, invaluable experience in providing mental health services to young people, including diagnosing and counseling in hospitals, clinics/centers, and schools. In school districts, Kellie is a respected servant leader, supervising school psychology teams, doctoral and masters level school psychology interns, special education counseling teams, central autism teams, and behavior specialist teams as well as overseeing district wide emotional-behavior programming and addressing equity and diversity challenges by leading district trainings as well as a large department task force.
Kellie specializes in conditions with childhood and adolescence onset.
Her areas of specialty are listed below:
Additionally, Kellie offers a wide range of services, including crisis intervention for families and schools that can include threat assessments, a range of evaluations and assessments, counseling, school consultation, special education and section 504 guidance/advocacy, skills based instruction and coaching, and parenting training/support. Given her many years of providing school-based services in large suburban and urban districts, she provides school wide, staff, and private sector organization trainings in trauma informed practices, positive behavior intervention supports, bias (implicit/explicit) workshops, and equity-diversity-inclusion practices.
Kellie accepts appointments at Life Rules Mental Wellness Monday through Thursday between 9:00AM and 5:00PM, Tuesday through Thursday evenings between 6:00PM and 8:00PM, and Saturdays between 10:00AM and 1:00PM.
Read on to learn about Kellie Curreri, PhD in Dallas-Fort Worth.
Kellie Curreri, PhD has a passion for serving children of all ages and ability levels from diverse cultural backgrounds, as well as their families. She is a practicing licensed specialist in school psychology (LSSP) and licensed psychologist focusing on child and adolescent social-emotional-behavioral issues. Kellie specializes in ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, anxiety, depression, trauma, bipolar disorder, and anger management. She earned her undergrad degree from Texas A&M University at College Station and her Masters and Doctorate from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
She also offers crisis intervention, school consultation that addresses school refusal, special education and section 504 guidance, social skills instruction, and parenting support for developing healthy communication and conflict resolution.
Kellie’s experience includes psychological evaluations across all child and adolescent age ranges. She accepts appointments at Life Rules Mental Wellness on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, as well as Saturdays (early through late afternoon).